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UHF/VHF Repeaters (Kharkiv city)


Rx 431.800 / Tx 439.400

Model: Hytera RD625


Analog communication:

CTCSS 173.8 Hz


DMR communication:

Repeater is connected to international BrandMeister net.

Colour code  -  "1"


Ukrainian talk groups in Brandmeister UR server:

TS (time slot) 2
TG (talk group) 2555, includes DMR-DSTAR-WiresX (TG2555, Ukraine-DIGI DTMF 27053, DCS002U).

TS 1 used for other talk groups:
TG 9 local (local communication within one repeater)

TG 2559 Emergency Ukraine




​List of Ukrainian and World DMR Repeaters

List of registered DMR users




Rx 145.075 / Tx 145.675, CTCSS 77.0 Hz

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